Women in Mobility - Celebrating International Women’s Day 2022 - KPIT

Women partners in growth: Enabling growth through real relatable stories

Dreams, ambitions, talent, opportunities, and mentors shape career trajectories for women. Bolstered by the 4-Cs of confidence, courage, conviction, and chances, girls with big dreams become women with big vision. However, when only 3% of women cite a career in technology as their first choice, it mandates a re-think especially since gender-diverse leadership unarguably drives innovation by 20% while diverse groups are known to reduce risks by 30%.

To explore the dichotomy among diversity, inclusion, and technology further, KPIT Technologies’ marketing and thought leadership team hosted the second edition of Women in Mobility, around the theme – “I am where I am, because….” with a virtual panel of industry leaders. Drawing on instances from their lives and careers, the panelists shared views, experiences, and insights on how to make the field of mobility more inclusive going forward.

To read the summary and experts from the panelists, Click Here


View complete 90 minutes recording of conversation

Women in mobility 2024 | Steering the future of mobility Know more about STEERING THE FUTURE: UNLEASHING THE POWER OF WOMEN IN MOBILITY
Click here: https://www.kpit.com/women-in-mobility-2024/

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