KPIT Technologies GMBH is a subsidiary of KPIT Technologies in Europe. KPIT GMBH is headquartered in Munich, Germany and strategically setup to drive new technologies, innovation from Germany. The centers of excellence across Munich, Wolfsburg, Dortmund, Sweden look at local adoption of our best practices around the globe. MicroFuzzy GmbH is a member of the KPIT group and specializes in solutions for Electric Powertrain.
The centers of excellence in Europe is geared towards providing cutting edge solutions to our customers. Center of Excellence in Munich, Germany focusses on Autonomous Driving, Electric Powertrain and Vehicle Diagnostics solution building and implementation for customers.
Center of Excellence in Gothenburg, Sweden focusses on building solutions related to Adaptive AUTOSAR and how ADAPTIVE and Classic AUTOSAR can co-exist.
Center of Excellence in Coventry University, UK focusses on building solutions in the Mechatronics domain. In addition to the above, we have Engineering Centers and Sales offices setup in Wolfsburg, Dortmund to service customers locally in that region.
Center of Excellence
Center of Excellence
Headquarter Europe & Center of Excellence:
Working in the marketing Department enables me to be connected to every department inside the company as well as outside to customers and potential employees. I also work in a global environment with several caters, and last but not least I have a lot of freedom on what and how to get my work done
Everyday is a adventure here at KPIT, where we have freedom to do whatever we want, to research and to learn. Here they tap your potential and they would tell that what we are good at! How can we explore without any boundaries and limits
I got the opportunity to start my career as a software developer, grow all the way upto a business leader, had the chance to travel internationally, experience a lot of different cultures and now I am working with a multi international team and I have lot of freedom to work and decide our future in diagnostics
IOT, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence have been the buzz words in the industry and working at KPIT has given me an opportunity to apply these techniques in my work on a daily basis.
Become part of the most advanced Vehicle Diagnostics team
Different Nationalities
Innovation Awards